What Happens at Closing

  1. “The Closing Process”
  • Closing the sale is the final step in the home buying process. It involves finalizing all of the legal and financial aspects of the sale, including the transfer of ownership from the seller to the buyer.
  1. “Working with a Closing Attorney”
  • A closing attorney can help you through the closing process and ensure that all of the legal and financial requirements are met. They can also help you understand the closing documents and explain what you can expect during the closing.
  1. “Final Walk-Through”
  • Before closing, it’s important to do a final walk-through of the home to ensure that it is in the condition agreed upon in the purchase and sale agreement. If any issues are found, they can be addressed before the closing.
  1. “Signing Closing Documents”
  • At the closing, you will sign a number of closing documents, including the mortgage agreement, the title transfer, and other legal documents. It’s important to carefully review and understand these documents before signing.
  1. “Transfer of Funds and Ownership”
  • After you have signed the closing documents, the final step is the transfer of funds and ownership. The funds for the purchase of the home will be transferred to the seller, and the title to the home will be transferred to the buyer. Once this is complete, you are officially a homeowner!